To correct the spelling, choose the required word from the list under Suggestions and click Replace to change it. Spell-Check shows each of your spelling errors, in turn, using the same red squiggle. Whichever of the two methods you use, the Spell-Check Window will now appear. It’s quicker and avoids clicking through the menus: all you need to do is press F7 on your keyboard. There’s also an alternative way to check your spelling manually in eM Client. Then, from the secondary menu that’s now available, click on Check Spelling. If you want to check your spelling manually in eM Client while writing an email, click on Menu in the top left and select Tools from the drop-down list that appears. If you want to use it again at some point, follow the same instructions as above to re-enable it. When you disable the setting, it is permanent. Once done, the menus will disappear, and the red checking lines will now no longer appear when you misspell a word in your message. To disable it, click on the option Use Automatic Spell Check. If it’s enabled, there’ll be a tick to the left-hand side. You’ll then see the option for Use Automatic Spell Check. When the new email window appears, click on Menu in the top left and select Tools from the drop-down list that appears. To start a new email, firstly click New in the top left corner when in the Mail section of eM Client. There are a couple of options to disable it, but the easiest way is to create a new email (this will also work when replying to or forwarding a message). You can rid yourself of the red squiggles while writing an email in eM Client by turning off the automatic spell checker. How do I disable the automatic spell checker in eM client? So how do you check your email for spelling errors in eM Client yet avoid this off-putting display of colour? Let’s find out.
#How to do spell check in word on a mac full#
However, if you’re not a great speller – or typist – it’s easy for your message to become full of distracting red lines. The automatic spell checker in eM Client is set as the default option, which may suit the spelling bees. But I don’t want my email full of red squiggles

You can then correct the spelling by right-clicking on the word and selecting the one you meant from the list.

The excellent email program eM Client has an automatic spell checker that scans your message as you type and underlines any errors with a red squiggle. Spell Checkers make life that bit easier by ensuring your documents and emails are not full of spelling mistakes.